Protecting the Environment

TVISI Energy was founded with the primary goal of finding a solution to Paddy Straw Burning. India produces over 100 million tonnes of Paddy Straw annually, close to 80% of which is burned openly in fields. Burning of 1 ton of Paddy Straw releases close 1.5 tons of Carbon Dioxide and around 200 kgs of Carbon Monoxide into the atmosphere. New Delhi bears the impact of the pollution created by the paddy straw burning each year. By purchasing the Paddy Straw from the farmers, TVISI Energy plays a vital role in preventing its open burning.

Renewable Energy

TVISI Energy utilizes the paddy straw, an agricultural waste (which is primarily burned in open fields across South East Asia), as a valuable resource of renewable energy. By producing Biogas from composting the straw, TVISI Energy has found a way to reduce the burden on fossil fuels such as Natural Gas and coal, as means of fuel for transport or power. The Biogas produced by TVISI Energy from Paddy Straw can be utilised as a direct substitute of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or can be utilised for generating renewable power.

Giving Back to the Soil

Open field burning of paddy straw, in fact, even the biomass thermal (burning) power plants destroy the valuable nutrients available in that straw and other biomass alike. The burning, whether in the open, or controlled, releases carbon dioxide and creates a toxic, non-decomposing waste in the form of ash. TVISI Energy instead, converts it into a Bio-enriched organic manure. Through its fermenting process, the nutrients of the straw become readily available to crops once the organic manure is applied into the soil.

Working with the Farmers

A core objective of TVISI Energy is to uplift the farmer community. TVISI Energy works closely with the farmer every step of the way. It begins with purchasing the straw, which the farmer would have burned otherwise, thereby, providing the farmer an additional source of revenue from his waste. TVISI Energy then has constant interaction with various agricultural universities and farmers to spread awareness of the importance of using organic manure. TVISI Energy takes great pain to help out the farming community in any way it can.